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Pretty and Healthy RSS

Tips to Prevent Premature Wrinkles

Posted by Shisuka Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Based on definition from Wikipedia, wrinkle is defined as a fold, ridge or crease in the skin. Skin wrinkles typically appear as a result of aging processes such as glycation or, temporarily, as the result of prolonged (more than a few minutes) immersion in water. Wrinkling in the skin is caused by habitual facial expressions, aging, sun damage, smoking, poor hydration, and various other factors.[1] With prolonged water exposure, the outer layer of skin starts to absorb water. The skin doesn't expand evenly, causing it to wrinkle. Depletion of water in the body, as occurs with dehydration, can also cause this puckering of the skin.[2] Cortisol causes degradation of skin collagen.[3]

Here are tips from Dr. Dewi Inong Irana, SpKK from Permata Cibubur Hospital, to prevent premature wrinkles:
1. Using night cream routinely. When you want to go out of the house, use the sun block (sun

block) SPF 15 to prevent the effects of exposure to ultraviolet light, UVA and UVB that

produced the sun. Applying sunscreen properly in the face and neck.
2. Eating a balanced diet. Nutrition. balance is important, that is sufficient intake of

carbohydrates, proteins, vegetables and fruits.
3. Healthy lifestyle by eliminating the physical and emotional stress, and pollution

4. Doing exercise for blood circulation, such as walking for 30 minutes every day.
5. Avoiding the use of harmful cosmetics and unnecessary drugs.
6. Be careful of consuming supplements, it should be noted carefully about its composition


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