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Pretty and Healthy RSS

Lowering Cholesterol by Grapes

Posted by Shisuka Saturday, September 19, 2009

Grapes are small round or oval berries that feature a semi-translucent flesh encased by a smooth skin. Some contain edible seeds, while others are seedless. Like blueberries, grapes are covered by a protective, whitish bloom. Grape grows well at altitude of 300 meters above sea level. In grapes contained a variety of vitamins A, C and B6, folic acid and minerals phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, potassium, selenium, iron and copper.

Grapes also contain fiber and a variety of flavonoids. Flavonoids can act lower cholesterol. Grape also contains resveratol, saponin, anthocyanins, quercetin proanthocyanins and that is anti imflamasi and anti-cell proliferation, which can prevent cancer, especially breast cancer and kelon.

Resveratol also suppress the production of amyloidal-beta peptides in Alzheimer's patients. Grape also contains water and carbohydrates, especially fructose and glucose are useful for stamina. Color, size, taste and physical characteristics differ amongst the varieties. Grapes come in a variety of colors including green, amber, red, blue-black, and purple. In general, whole grapes have a slightly crunchy texture and a dry, sweet and tart taste.


Grape contains antioxidants such as anthocyanin polyphenolic flavan-3-OLS. Content of more anthocyanins found in red grape. The presence of antioxidants in grape may help to prevent free radical damage to these cells causes many diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Grape seed contains antioxidants, antrocyanidin, tannins and polyphenols which are useful to prevent cancer and heart disease. In the skins of grapes contain polyphenols (resveratrol) as an antioxidant that can prevent cellular damage from free radicals, such as cell wall damage blood vessels and help lowering blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. Another benefit of resveratrol as an antioxidant is to lower the risk of cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease.


Elegat acid content in grape could destroy the hydrocarbons, compounds which can cause cancer caused by cigarettes. Vitamin C, karetoniod, selenium and a variety of flavonoids contained in grapes have antioxidant capabilities. Various antioxidants can prevent cataracts.


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