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Pretty and Healthy RSS

Eating Soy Can Decrease Fertility

Posted by Shisuka Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Women who are trying to have baby may need to pay attention to this: Avoid eating too much soy.

According to a study involving humans, a content that is found in soybeans called genistein was able to damage the health of the sperm when they were swimming toward the egg cell (ovum). Even in small doses, if the content is found in the female urinary tract, it is enough to destroy the sperm when it swims into archegonium..
Furthermore, the researchers explained that avoiding soy consumption during woman’s fertile days can help conception period.

Genistein can be found in all products containing soy, for example:
• soy milk
• Different types of vegetarian food
• Pizza

Test Running
The researchers conducted tests on human sperm sample that is placed on a laboratory dish by providing genistein on the sample to be observed.

It was found that chemical content of these soybeans can cause a premature reaction in sperms, forcing the sperms to reach the peak before they are able to fertilize the egg cell. While in reality, this will not happen until the sperms had really been in a woman's body for several hours and had approached the end of their journey toward the egg cell.

Without the presence of genistein around woman’s fallopian tube, the sperm will reach its peak at the time that should be, much closer to the egg cell.

Furthermore, there is a surprising thing about the harmful effects of soy on human health, i.e it is required fewer dose of genistein that can lead to infertility problems in women compared with the dose required to cause the same effect in mice.

Based on these findings, a spokesman of vegetarian societies in the United States says that anyone who is pregnant, should avoid soya products for few days in a month.

Fermented or non-fermented
When reviewing the effects of soy consumption in the body, it is also important to consider the difference between the fermentation products or non-fermentation of soy:

Fermentation products of soy:
• Miso (a traditional Japanese seasoning produced by fermenting rice, barley and/or
soybeans, with salt and the fungus kōjikin (麹菌?), the most typical miso being
made with soy.)
• Ketchup
• Tempe (is well known as a traditional Indonesian food with a high nutritional

Non-fermented product of soybeans:
• Tofu
• soy milk
• soy Hotdog and vegetarian products made from soy or textured vegetable protein
• soy yogurt and soy ice cream
• soy protein


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