Scientists from the institute of medical research in France, Inserm, found that older people and walked slowly almost three times more likely to die from heart disease and other causes compared with older age and run faster.
Alexis Elbaz, Research Director of Inserm told to Reuters Health that maintaining fitness in old age is important to help preserve life and muscle function",.
Study published by BMJ Journal has also shown, walking speed tests can be used to check the health of the elderly. Several previous studies correlated this slowly walk with an increased risk of death during a certain period, but did not show whether it was due to heart disease or other disorders.
Studies for five years, which was a series of Three Cities Study in France, involving over 3200 male and female healthy 65-85 year. At the beginning of the study, in 1999, scientists assess the health of participants and calculate their speed while walking in the corridor.
Next five years, 209 participants died, 99 percent of cancer, heart disease 59, 53 due to infectious diseases and other causes. Overall mortality rate of almost seven percent.
The death rate in one-third of participants who walked at the latest (the man who walked 3.4 miles per hour or slower, and women who walk three miles per hour or slower) 44 percent higher than the other two-thirds of participants who walked more quickly.
Deaths from heart attack, stroke, and other related causes 2.9 times more common in one-third of participants who walked the walk slowly than the fastest. The increase in death rates from heart disease seen in men and women, not related to age or physical activity. Researchers found that there is no link between walking speed and other causes of death, including cancer.
Then, what is the connection between walking slowly and deaths due to heart disease? Possibility, expressed Elbaz, the same factors that increase the risk of heart disease such as hypertension and diabetes that also resulted in "silent stroke", makes people difficult to walk fast.
Alexis Elbaz, Research Director of Inserm told to Reuters Health that maintaining fitness in old age is important to help preserve life and muscle function",.
Study published by BMJ Journal has also shown, walking speed tests can be used to check the health of the elderly. Several previous studies correlated this slowly walk with an increased risk of death during a certain period, but did not show whether it was due to heart disease or other disorders.
Studies for five years, which was a series of Three Cities Study in France, involving over 3200 male and female healthy 65-85 year. At the beginning of the study, in 1999, scientists assess the health of participants and calculate their speed while walking in the corridor.
Next five years, 209 participants died, 99 percent of cancer, heart disease 59, 53 due to infectious diseases and other causes. Overall mortality rate of almost seven percent.
The death rate in one-third of participants who walked at the latest (the man who walked 3.4 miles per hour or slower, and women who walk three miles per hour or slower) 44 percent higher than the other two-thirds of participants who walked more quickly.
Deaths from heart attack, stroke, and other related causes 2.9 times more common in one-third of participants who walked the walk slowly than the fastest. The increase in death rates from heart disease seen in men and women, not related to age or physical activity. Researchers found that there is no link between walking speed and other causes of death, including cancer.
Then, what is the connection between walking slowly and deaths due to heart disease? Possibility, expressed Elbaz, the same factors that increase the risk of heart disease such as hypertension and diabetes that also resulted in "silent stroke", makes people difficult to walk fast.