The color of normal sperm is pale gray, not red. If it is red, it is almost certain that the sperm mixed with blood. The problem is, why the sperm up with blood?

There are two possibilities if the sperm mixed with blood. First, due to inflammation of the prostate gland. Second, the outbreak of the small blood vessels caused by a strong contraction when the orgasm and ejaculation.
Strong contractions may occur if the patient received audio-visual stimuli through a communication via web cam, which then causes him to masturbate. Thus, it is understandable if it occurs at the small blood vessels rupture, causing bleeding.
However, this does not need to worry because the bleeding would not last long and many. Small blood vessels that rupture will be closed again and the bleeding stopped immediately.
Conversely, if there is inflammation of the prostate gland, you should have received treatment. Inflammation of prostate gland usually caused discomfort or maybe a little soreness at the time of ejaculation. If Prostate inflammation is happened too long, it will disrupt the fertility.
So, It should be known why there was blood mixed with sperm. If you ejaculate and still have problem with sperm bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor.