Here are the most popular diet strategies; try the ones that fit your life and get ready to watch the pounds drop off.
1. Skip all soda
At roughly 225 calories a pop, a 20-ounce bottle packs nearly the same calories as a chocolate bar but it is far less satisfying. Diet soda is no body bargain, either. For every can you sip daily, your risk of becoming overweight rises by 37 percent. Other studies hint at why: Regular use of artificial sweetener may interfere with the body’s ability to estimate calories you’ve ingested, so you eat beyond what you need.
2. Eat Breakfast, even if you’re not hungry
Most people who slim down manage to find time to fuel up every morning. Research indicates that women who eat breakfast are less likely to overeat at late meals.
3. Use smaller plates and glasses
Diners given smaller dishes serve themselves smaller portions. Eat about 92 percent of what we serve ourselves, regardless of the size of the dish. The next time you order the nachos supreme, put a small portion on your bread plate and try to only eat that. Try packing leftovers before you eat. To avoid snacking and seconds at home, keep food out of your field of vision.
4. Banish trigger foods from your home
Study shows that out of sight is out of mouth, but there’s no need to swear off goodies forever. Depriving yourself of favorite foods could set you up for a pig-out. Indulge during one meal a week or on special occasions, or share a splurge with someone. And if you keep treats in the house, opt for those that come in single-serve portion. Stash pops instead of a cartoon of ice cream, and then have only one.
5. Rate your hunger before deciding to eat
Use a scale of 1 (so hungry you’d eat sand) to 10 (so full you can barely breathe). Dig in at 3, eat slowly, and stop at 7, and you’ll never overeat again. Preventing extreme hunge is as critical to weight loss as walking away from the table before you’re too full. Regularly checking your need for food will help you control how much you end up eating.
6. Dine out less often
We have to try this strategy as we will lose weight and enjoy more nutrient-dense meals without all of the fattening extras. Don’t feel pressured to prepare elaborate dishes; the simpler your meal is to make, the less likely you are to phone your local Chinese place for “help”.
7. Start your meal with soup, salad or fruit
These foods are loaded with water and fiber, which make you feel full. Eating 3 cups of green salad with fat-free dressing cut the number of calories people consumed at a meal by 12 percent, a study from Penn State University at University Park found.
8. Eat your meals with no distractions
Focusing on only your food (no TV, no radio, no phone calls, no nothing) helps you detect internal fullness cues, such as a tightening of the stomach. Eat slowly, concentrate on your food’s taste and texture and check in with yourself after every few bites to see if you are still hungry. By changing the way you eat, you may change how much you eat-and suddenly find your weight loss goal within reach.