Human skin consists of several layers, starting from the outer layers of the epidermis layer, dermis layer and sub cutis. It also consists of supporting tissue, such as sweat glands that regulate body temperature. In addition, the skin also has oil glands that produce sebum so that the skin will be moist, chewy and not easily wrinkled.
The cause of oily skin
Ø The production of excessive oil glands will make your skin oily, said Dr. Sandra Widaty, SpKK from FKUI.
Ø According to Didik Gunawan, herbalist of Indonesian Medicine Plant and the lecturer of Science Pharmacology Faculty in UGM, the causes of oily skin come from two types of fat in the human body, namely:
§ blood fat, is a fat mixed with blood and follow the blood circulation. It is called HDL (high density lipoprotein) and LDL (low density lipoprotein). The blood fat comes out of the body through the skin pores in liquid form, like oil.
§ Lepo fat, is fat under the skin, known as fat. Someone who has a blood fat in high amounts does not automatically get fat. Greasy hair with dandruff and oily face skin with acnes are the symptoms of people with high fat.
Reducing oily skin by Carrambola or starfruit:
Carambola or starfruit is the fruit of Averrhoa carambola, a species of tree native to Indonesia, India and Sri Lanka. The tree and its fruit are popular throughout Southeast Asia, Malaysia, the South Pacific and other parts of East Asia. The tree is cultivated also throughout the tropics such as in Trinidad, Guyana, and Brazil, and, in the United States, in south Florida, and Hawaii.
The carambola is closely related to the bilimbi. The fruit in cross section is a five-pointed star, hence its name.
Carambola fruits are light yellow to yellow, translucent, crisp and very juicy, without fiber. The fruit has a more or less oxalic acid odor and the flavor ranges from very sour to mildly sweet. The fruit is rich inVitamin C and antioxidants, and low in sugar, sodium and acid. Star fruit is a potent source of both primary and secondary polyphenolic antioxidants.[5] Starfruit is believed to reduce the oil on the face. By eating (Averrhoa carambola) and (Averrhoa bilimbi), we can handle oily skin. According to Dr. Sandra, star fruits contain a lot of water and acid, so it’s good to clean the excess oil on the face. Acid content of the star fruit also contains many beneficial antioxidants to prevent free radicals on the skin.
Niacin content of the star fruit is useful for reducing blood fat, anti-allergy in the body and lowers blood sugar. Zinc content of the starfruit is useful for lowering blood fat, preventing acne and preventing dandruff fungus. Sinapat acid as an antioxidant. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is useful to reduce the formation of blood fats cholesterol, and as an antioxidants and immune control.
How To
1. Squeeze out starfruit until watering, or slice starfruit thinly.
2. Extracted water and sliced starfruit are dabbed to the face skin for 15 minutes.
3. For maximum results, use it once a day. We will feel it’s benefit after applying it for
two weeks.