Sometimes we are trapped with inappropriate beauty care. Besides having bad result, this inappropriate beauty care will also make you spend lots of money.
Then what are general mistakes in Beauty Care?
1. Spraying Perfumed after getting dressed
Perfumed formula is not designed to be sprayed on your clothes material. Perfumed should be sprayed on your skin because clothes do not hold scents as well as skin. This should cover your neck and chest. For the best results to spray perfume, you'll have to check what type of concentration it holds. Spraying on will also often clash with scents in other products you use like shampoo, hairspray, and lotion. You should always test a perfume at home before using it in public because if the scent works with scents in your other products it's great, but if they clash it can lead to an instant headache.
Moreover if we sprayed perfume on your dress, it will leave a spot of dirt on your dress that is difficult to be cleaned up.
2. Forget to dab lotion on your neck
When you take care of your face with lotion, do not dab it on your face only. You are also advised to dab it on your neck area, as neck skin is more sensitive than skin face. This neck part is susceptible to get wrinkled in the early age and lose the elasticity.
Keeping the same hair style for years is inappropriate. It had better make a small change on your hair style to make your looks fresher.
4. Lack of sleep
Sleeping is very important for our skin. When we sleep, the repairing enzymes will work to repair the skin damage, reduce toxin and distribute nutrition to our body cells.
5. Avoiding fat too much
Lack of fat intake will cause your skin dry, scaly, and , dan rambut bercabang. Anda dapat mengonsumsi lemak nabati untuk mendapatkan kulit indah tanpa mengorbankan bentuk tubuh.
6. Forget to exercise
Exercise is not only good for our body but also make our skin shining since the blood stream to our body and skin is tended to increase.
7. Ignore to clean up the beauty products
Dirty brush or spoons for face powder will accumulate germs on skin face and cause acnes appear on face. Clean it up twice a week using warm water.
8. Using inappropriate cosmetics
The habit of using expired cosmetics, grabbing cosmetics by fingers or put the resting cosmetic back into its packaging will cause irritation and acnes appear. So, throw all expired products. Try to touch the product using cotton buds or cotton. Or pour the lotion to palms and then dab it to your face.
9. Sleeping without removing make up
Make up that is not removed will plug the pores, can cause acnes appear on face and irritation on eyes. Skin needs time to recover cells. But since the pore is plugged, the recovery process will be inhibited.
10. Taking hot shower too long
It sounds delightful, but it makes skin dry and scaly. Hot steaming water can trigger allergies in some people (like Eczema). So if you like taking hot water showers, keep your shower under 5 minutes in which the temperature of water is not too hot. Always use lotion as soon after taking a shower in order to prevent the skin become dry.