Every woman wants to have a beautiful and flawless back. If our back is not well taken care of, it will become a problem, such as acnes come out of your back.
Follow below tips and get a beautiful back shortly:
In order to make your back relax, conduct a massage in your back area using essential oil or olive oil, press the upper back with middle finger, then try to turn around the massage and do the same massage in other part of your back for ± 10 minutes.
Rub your back with sea salt ingredient or sea salt (it can be bought in cosmetic store) mixed by essential oil, then wash it by warmness water.
To eliminate fat on the skin surface, rub your skin with lime, hush for e few moment and then wash with water. Even though it will be a little bit sore, lime is god for drying acnes on your back area and it can be used as anti aseptic.
Scrub your back using scrub formula. Previously dab it with olive oil to avoid irritation.
The last step is the easiest and practical way to take care of your back skin. Put some powder on your back skin area after taking a bath in order to avoid the growth of bacteria and damp occurred in your back area.
Sometimes we are trapped with inappropriate beauty care. Besides having bad result, this inappropriate beauty care will also make you spend lots of money.
Then what are general mistakes in Beauty Care?
1. Spraying Perfumed after getting dressed
Perfumed formula is not designed to be sprayed on your clothes material. Perfumed should be sprayed on your skin because clothes do not hold scents as well as skin. This should cover your neck and chest. For the best results to spray perfume, you'll have to check what type of concentration it holds. Spraying on will also often clash with scents in other products you use like shampoo, hairspray, and lotion. You should always test a perfume at home before using it in public because if the scent works with scents in your other products it's great, but if they clash it can lead to an instant headache.
Moreover if we sprayed perfume on your dress, it will leave a spot of dirt on your dress that is difficult to be cleaned up.
2. Forget to dab lotion on your neck
When you take care of your face with lotion, do not dab it on your face only. You are also advised to dab it on your neck area, as neck skin is more sensitive than skin face. This neck part is susceptible to get wrinkled in the early age and lose the elasticity.
Keeping the same hair style for years is inappropriate. It had better make a small change on your hair style to make your looks fresher.
4. Lack of sleep
Sleeping is very important for our skin. When we sleep, the repairing enzymes will work to repair the skin damage, reduce toxin and distribute nutrition to our body cells.
5. Avoiding fat too much
Lack of fat intake will cause your skin dry, scaly, and , dan rambut bercabang. Anda dapat mengonsumsi lemak nabati untuk mendapatkan kulit indah tanpa mengorbankan bentuk tubuh.
6. Forget to exercise
Exercise is not only good for our body but also make our skin shining since the blood stream to our body and skin is tended to increase.
7. Ignore to clean up the beauty products
Dirty brush or spoons for face powder will accumulate germs on skin face and cause acnes appear on face. Clean it up twice a week using warm water.
8. Using inappropriate cosmetics
The habit of using expired cosmetics, grabbing cosmetics by fingers or put the resting cosmetic back into its packaging will cause irritation and acnes appear. So, throw all expired products. Try to touch the product using cotton buds or cotton. Or pour the lotion to palms and then dab it to your face.
9. Sleeping without removing make up
Make up that is not removed will plug the pores, can cause acnes appear on face and irritation on eyes. Skin needs time to recover cells. But since the pore is plugged, the recovery process will be inhibited.
10. Taking hot shower too long
It sounds delightful, but it makes skin dry and scaly. Hot steaming water can trigger allergies in some people (like Eczema). So if you like taking hot water showers, keep your shower under 5 minutes in which the temperature of water is not too hot. Always use lotion as soon after taking a shower in order to prevent the skin become dry.
Every woman really wants to have white and shiny teeth. Here are some tips:
Brush teeth thrice a day
For the best result, use electrical toothbrush and arrange the time of toothbrush for two minutes. Brushing teeth too hard can damage your teeth, therefore, it is recommended to use electrical toothbrush.
Stick Strawberry on Teeth surface
Strawberry is not only delicious but also good for tooth whitening process. The process is simple, we have to grind the strawberry and stick it to all teeth surface by using finger. Keep it till two minutes then brush your teeth thoroughly until it is clean.
Drink with straw
If you want to consume beverage like coffee, tea and soda, be sure that you use straw. If beverage is straightly contacted with your teeth, it is likely that your teeth appear to be yellow.
Bleaching is the instant way to get white and shiny teeth. By visiting your dentist for one time, you can come home with a bright smiling. This treatment will be stayed for two or three years, but keep paying attention with the food intake consumed by you.
Consumption Fruits and Vegetables
It is proved that natural materials in fruit and vegetable can give effective influence to clean tooth.
Most migraines are not caused by a single factor or event. Your response to triggers can also vary from headache to headache.
Many women with migraine tend to have attacks brought on by:
* lack of food or sleep
* bright light or loud noise
* hormone changes during the menstrual cycle
* stress and anxiety
* weather changes
* chocolate, alcohol, or nicotine
* some foods and food additives, such as MSG or nitrates
Eventhough there are lots of medicines for migraine, however scientists suggest those who suffer migraine not to count on chemical medicine. There are many approaches available that you can take to relieve your migrain headaches. Physical therapy is also considered to be extremely helpful in this regards. Stress management activities such as massage therapy and relaxation are also incredibly helpful, and they may also help to make attacks happen less often.
However the best method of all of course is that of prevention, and the best way to prevent migraines is to find out what events or activities actually cause the onset of your migraines, and then you should obviously try to avoid these triggers or at least limit them as much as you can. Preventive strategies usually include medications along with other types of therapies, such as stress management, physical therapy, and exercise. Another aspect of prevention is learning to recognize and change things that may trigger your headaches — such as reducing emotional stress, replacing harsh lights, or getting enough sleep. These efforts will be worth it. Advances in the medical management of headache mean that relief is no longer just possible, but probable. Almost everyone can find at least some headache relief.
With the Following Ways...
Sleep? Hmmm, I’m very glad to imagine it. By sleeping, we can get new energy and make our body relax. At the same time, sleeping has good impact on our health mentally and physically. Sleep was long considered just a uniform block of time when you are not awake. Sleep needs vary from person to person, and they change throughout the lifecycle. Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Newborns, on the other hand, sleep between 16 and 18 hours a day, and children in preschool sleep between 10 and 12 hours a day. School-aged children and teens need at least 9 hours of sleep a night.
Some people believe that adults need less sleep, as they get older. But there is no evidence to show that older people can get by with less sleep than younger people. Older people are also more easily awakened. Sometimes we can get enough sleep or we cannot sleep at all due to many reasons. For those who suffered from insomnia, such as narcolepsy, sleep is no longer considered as a means of refreshing.
Do you have difficulty getting to sleep? Millions of people experience insomnia, and when you have a demanding job or a fussy baby, a night of not being able to sleep can feel tortuous. Everyone suffers from insomnia at some time. Insomnia has a strongly negative affect on your looks (hence the term, "beauty sleep"). Under eye circles, blotchy skin and bleary eyes are only three of the drawbacks of insomnia.
Insomnia is caused by so many factors that you can have one reason or six, each one potent enough to keep a person awake. Here are some possible causes, such as stress, too much drinking caffeine, too much alcohol, exercise later in the evening, diet, depression, anxiety, pregnancy symptoms and hormonal fluctuations. Sleeplessness is also one of the symptoms of menopause.
What is the solution to overcome insomnia?
Avoid caffeine. A recent study showed that in some people, caffeine is not metabolized efficiently and therefore they can feel the effects long after consuming it. So an afternoon cup of coffee (or even tea) will keep some people from falling asleep. Also, some medications, particularly diet pills contain caffeine.
Don’t drink too much water when you are going to bed
Avoid before-bed snacks, particularly grains and sugars. This will raise blood sugar and inhibit sleep. Later, when blood sugar drops too low (hypoglycemia), you might wake up and not be able to fall back asleep.
Make certain you are exercising regularly. Exercising for at least 30 minutes everyday can help you fall asleep. However, don't exercise too close to bedtime or it may keep you awake. Studies show exercising in the morning is the best if you can do it
Find the situation that makes you feel relax. If you're generally content with the way your hormones are performing, you may choose to induce sleep by having a hot bath at night. When body temperature is raised in the late evening, it will fall at bedtime, facilitating sleep, if hormones are causing you real problems, try herbal remedies.
Sleep in complete darkness or as close as possible. If there is even the tiniest bit of light in the room it can disrupt your circadian rhythm and your pineal gland's production of melatonin and seratonin. There also should be as little light in the bathroom as possible if you get up in the middle of the night. Please whatever you do, keep the light off when you go to the bathroom at night. As soon as you turn on that light you will for that night immediately cease all production of the important sleep aid melatonin.
No TV right before bed. Even better, get the TV out of the bedroom or even out of the house, completely. It is too stimulating to the brain and it will take longer to fall asleep. Also disruptive of pineal gland function for the same reason as above.
Keep the temperature in the bedroom no higher than 70 degrees F. Many people keep their homes and particularly the upstairs bedrooms too hot.
Remove the clock from view. It will only add to your worry when constantly staring at it... 2 a.m. ...3 a.m. ... 4:30 a.m. ...
Keep your bed for sleeping. If you are used to watching TV or doing work in bed, you may find it harder to relax and to think of the bed as a place to sleep.
Don't change your bedtime. You should go to bed, and wake up, at the same times each day, even on the weekends. This will help your body to get into a sleep rhythm and make it easier to fall asleep and get up in the morning.
Go to the bathroom right before bed. This will reduce the chances that you'll wake up to go in the middle of the night.
For sunny summer days and warm nights, we need a light make up with some fresh, subtle color. Add some highlights to your face, hair and clothes to create a fresh new to you.
Light, Easy Make Up
Forget the heavy coats of eye shadow and foundation. Go easy on the make up and let your natural skip powder and just dab some concealer under your eyes and over blemishes. Use blotting paper to remove shine.
1. Lip Gloss
Lip gloss is a must. If you want to enhance your mouth shape and to keep the gloss from bleeding, use a lip liner in the same color as your lips. Smudge the line to soften the edge. Apply your favorite shade of gloss with your finger or lip brush.
2. Blush
Use blush, but use it sparingly. Go for a bright color that brushes on sheer for a true blushing effect. Crème blush often looks the most natural. Find the apples of your cheeks by smiling of yourself, and apply the blush where your cheeks puff out in the middle (this part is called “the apple of your cheeks” and is where your blush naturally). Don’t put the blush too far out toward your cheekbones, it just looks unnatural. Dab it on a gently, and don’t be scarred if it looks too red at first – some of the red color comes from the action of rubbing the make up on and will soon disappear.
3. Mascara
Use to kinds of mascara in three coats to get lash density. No single mascara really offers both definition and thickness, and that’s why there are so many mascaras on the market. Use an eyelash curler to curl lashes first – this will open the eye and groom the lashes. This is a very important step to get beautiful result. Start with a defining mascara for two coats. Wipe the wand off before the first coat to prevent clumping. Apply coat in three strokes, starting from the inner eye, the center eye, and then the outer corner. Do a second coat with the same mascara and let set for a minute. Use a thickening mascara for the third and final coat to fill in the defined lashes and create a full lash.
Update your wardrobe with some nice items in well-chosen colors. However certain shades of colors have a tendency to bring out an unhealthy sallow (grayish, yellow, greenish) tone and should be avoided for those whose skin has an olive tint. Follow the guidelines below to find out what color work best for you.
Red is symbolic of fire and bloods, and stands for excitement and physical strength. It has a great deal of energy and intensity, and can also create a very romantic, passionate or dramatic mood.
Best : True red, Magenta Red, Ruby, wine.
Worst : Orange-Red
Pink and Peach
Pink and Peach are dedicate, feminine, compassionate, calming and approachable colors. They project less energy than red. Choose pink if you have a fair or olive skin tone and peach if your skin tone more yellow or golden.
Orange stands for fire and sunlight. Orange is similar to red but toned down in intensity. It can reflect friendliness and liveliness. It looks great on Asian with light to medium brown hair. If you have black hair, orange works if you have a yellow or golden tint in your skin tone.
Best : Deep, vivid orange worn with a lot of black.
Worst : Rust, Light Orange, Tangerine.
Yellow is the color depicting sunshine. It connotes radiance, warmth, and friendliness. The wrong shade of yellow can easily make your complexion appear sallow. In general, Asian should wear a yellow only in small amounts, rather than from head to toe.
Best: Canary Yellow, Lemon Yellow.
Worst: Mustard Yellow, Cheddar Yellow.
Gray is a neutral that is not based on any hue but rather is a mixture of black and white. It connotes peace, reliability and conservatism. Dark gray signifies power and authority. Gray is a traditional corporate wardrobe color. Finding the correct shade of gray is your challenge. Some grays can have a green or red tint. Avoid gray with a green tint if you have an olive complexion. Asian with light to medium brown hair should use gray sparingly because their warm hair color is not complemented by gray.
Best: Charcoal, Medium Gray, Dark Gray, Blue Gray
Worst: Gray with Green, Gray with Yellow
Black stands for the night, power, mystery and dignity. Because of its versatility, it has been one of the most important fashion colors. Most Asian can wear black beautifully unless they have light brown hair with a very pale complexion, in which case black would be too strong and dominant. Black is always elegant and chick after five. A change in accessories with a black outfit can easily transform a day look into an evening look. Black belongs in almost every Asian women’s wardrobe.
Green gives a feeling of stability, balance, naturalness, freshness, and tranquility. Shades of green containing yellow or brown can bring out unflattering sallow tone in some Asian skins.
Best: Emerald Green, Hunter’s Green, Clear Green
Worst: Sage Green, Moss Green, and Lime Green, Tea Green
Blue represents the sky and water. The light blues are calming, while the dark blues such as Navy give off a feeling of power and authority. Navy is one of the most versatile neutrals. It is an important color for anyone working in the corporate world because it projects professionalism and leadership. Asian wear almost all bright blues and deep blues well. Some of the very light shades, and shades with a lot of yellow or green, do not work well for some Asians.
Best: Navy Blue, Cobalt Blue, True Blue, Royal Blue
Worst: Pale Aqua Blue
Purple stands for the mystical, sensitivity, uniqueness and artistry. In ancient times, it suggested wealth and royalty because as a dye, it was rare, and expensive to produce. Purple can be very flattering for skin tones, with a lot of yellow because purple is the complement of yellow. A deep eggplant purple suit is a new power color Asian women to wear in the business world.
Best: Royal Purple, Violet
Worst: Lilac, Lavender (if the skin tone has a yellow or green tint
Brown is associated with the ground, dirt, and earth. It creates a feeling of comfort, casualness, and sincerity. Many shades of brown, especially the light ones, blend with Asian skin tones, and create a dull and boring look. If you like these shades, dress them up with other, more striking colors, and accessories.
Best: Dark Brown, Espresso Brown
Worst: Honey Brown, Camel, Rust Brown
Do you really want to get a “bare face” make up? It’s simple. You just have to own bronzing cream without foundation or powder on your face. The result is that your face looks like so natural, as if you didn’t use make up.
Here are few tips:
~ Dab bronzing cream gently on cheeks area to make your face looks natural
~ Choose a creamy eye shadow and blush on. It would be better if you use beige and taupe for eye shadow, and brownish pink for blush on.
~ By using finger, apply bronze shimmer (with bright tint) around eyebrow and up cheekbone. The main function is to highlight the shape of cheekbone and make eyes look “sharp”.
~ Lastly, color your lips with beige pink (nude), press it down smoothly on your lips. To make the color stay long on your lips, previously dab it with little foundation.
People who live in a tropical area, sometimes, will easily get their skin sweat or they will have an oily skin problem. But, if you have a dry skin and live in a cool area, sometimes, you will feel upset because living in this cool area will make your dry skin feel tight. A very dry skin can also be prone to wrinkles.
For those who are fond of swimming, they will always have a dry and scaly skin problem. Don’t worry, though, here are some tips using traditional recipe from fruits and look how it can freshen up your skin.
Banana and Avocado
These two fruits contain of fat and enriched by water, it is useful in making your skin soft, moist and smooth especially for those who have a dry and scaly skin problem.
To make your skin fresh, and reduce wrinkles on face, use mixed mask from banana, honey, and egg.
Avocados and honey are particularly moisturizing. This mask is particularly great for mature, wrinkled and dry skin. It's best to use a ripe, fresh, organic avocado. Make sure to mash it up into a creamy pulp.
Avocado’s shell can also be used as a mild cream to smooth your rough back and knee.
Here is the simple recipe by mixing the avocado’s shell and the squeezed lemon, then dab it to your skin. Keep it for five minutes and then rinse with warm water.
Apel and melon
Other examples of fruit oils include apple and melon. It can clean and soften the scaly skin. It can also be used as a toner which will freshen up your face. Like cleanser, if your skin is dry, you’ll need to pick a mild toner which will help seal in moisture rather than get rid of it.
Honey is not only delicious but also good for beauty health. It can be a medicine for our beauty. It is believed that honey can cure skin problem due to acnes and make skin look fresh as well as shiny.
Here are steps to overcome acnes problem using honey:
1. Warm honey until it becomes semi-fluid, then dab it to your face and leave for 15 minutes.
2. Rinse it off with warm water, then wash off again with cold water.
The above steps are good for killing germ on the skin pore so it will be out of infection and also your face will be out of acnes.
Besides, you can create honey scrub by mixing the honey with sugar.
Well………it’s easy, isn’t it? Follow these steps regularly and look at the differences within 4 weeks!
Fruit is enriched by vitamin, enzyme and acid whose special quality of giving nutrition to skin and hair. To make your hair healthy, there are some simple formulations that you can make by yourself.
For face care, you can use papaya to make your skin face look shinning because the content of enzyme in papaya can remove dead skin cell. All you have to do is that you should blend 1 papaya. Mix and add to two teaspoons of honey and havernut at sufficiently until viscous. Dab it on your skin and let it for 10 minutes. Then wash off with clean water.
For hair treatment, you can use coconut milk to make your hair as soft as silk. Coconut milk contains of mineral, phosphorus, protein, vitamin A, B and C. Soak your hair with coconut milk and let it be for two minutes. Then rinse and wash as usual
For your body care, you can use scrub made of pineapple to make your skin look shining. You just prepare 8 ounce of pineapple, mix and blend it with 1/3 cup of refined-sugar. Scouring it to your body and wash with fresh water until clean.
A peach fruit is also useful for smoothing your skin since it is enriched by vitamin and mineral. Blend 4 ounce of canned-peach. Mix it with 1 ounce of heavy cream, 2 spoons of honey and havernut. Scouring it to body and let it be for 5 minutes. Rinse and take a shower as usual.
Everybody wants to have a cheerful face, ageless and shining skin pigment. With fresh face, we will be more self-confidence. Therefore, get accustomed to living in a healthy condition, such as stop smoking, do not stay up until night, and avoid consuming a high fat food. Choose to consume a low cholesterol food.
It would be better if we consume many vegetables, fruits containing of leaf green substance especially useful for our skin, and consume fibrous food required by part of our digestion.
Then do physical exercises like gym, respiration exercise, swim, etc.
Avoid using treatment chemically; try doing a natural treatment or neutral, such as compounding the herbs as a kind of treatment from the inside.
Then, don’t forget to do cosmetic massage for external skin care.
Cosmetic massage is a relaxed-message. Based on definition, cosmetic massage is a message for body skin care (beauty).
Definition in general, cosmetic massage is a message to obtain perfect and better body. The aim of this massage is to make the skin clean and smooth, keep the skin away from wrinkle, make the skin color shining.
Besides, cosmetic massage also has other specific-purposes, which are to prevent the hair turn into gray, make the eye look beautiful, and enlarge the breast.
Kinds of cosmetic message could be dietal struking using thumb and fingertips; friction using two fingers stretching the skin and one finger polishing the skin; tapo te man using fingertips; and skin rolling using hand, thumb, and fingertips.
The parts of body had a message are all forehead area, around eye socket, cheek, upper and bottom lips, front part of the neck, as well as breast.
All the message movement is conducted continuously in order to remove dead skin cell. Besides, use herbal cream cautiously and regularly.